Got Bounce

Got Bounce is a service learning program at Southeast Polk High School.  Got Bounce encourages students to become leaders in their school by identifying and working to resolve problems in both their school and broader community.  Through their service, students develop leadership skills and foster resiliency – the ability to bounce back after a negative experience – all within an inclusive and safe environment.

For more information about Got Bounce, contact Mollie at [email protected] or check out its Facebook page.

What I enjoy most about Got Bounce is all the service projects we do for our community and schools.  I’ve learned how to have a clear purpose for each activity, set goals, and carry them out to their completion.  I also enjoy interacting with people I probably wouldn’t have the chance to outside of this group.  Through Got Bounce I have definitely been able to take initiative in projects and come out of my shell.  It has allowed me other opportunities to help in any community activity and has strengthened my understanding.  It’s easy to get caught up in the motions of day-to-day life, but Got Bounce allows me to recognize needs that can be met and then do them to better my school and community.

- Got Bounce Student -